Podcast feature - The Friel Thing - Mindset and growth through a Pandemic.
It was an absolute pleasure to be on Greg Friel’s podcast.
I open up with a very honest story about how the pandemic started for me and my Events business, before talking about the mindset about how I got through it. This is the first time I spoke openly about what happened in a public arena.
There’s a lot on mindset, education, and visioning in here and I hope you can find some useful tips here.
"I think the thing that is fascinating about that is being a thought leader is not necessarily an end in itself, it’s the fact that you are a practitioner in what it is that you are talking about is what makes the difference.
I think that's the thing that makes the difference and ultimately why people will listen to you because you live it, you breathe it, and how you live your life." Greg Friel
Massive thanks to Greg for asking me to share my journey.
Subscribe to his podcast, as there are some brilliant guests on there!
Let me know if any of it resonates with you please.
I wrote an E-Book about Vision Boards and I am giving it away for free. I use Vision each and every day to work towards my goals. It is very powerful.
Get your copy here.