Lessons from 2021 - A year of education.

Freedom - running into 2022!

Happy new year to you all! I wish you all the best in following your goals in 2022.

Since 2015, I have taken a lot of January off to think, review, reevaluate, learn and plan. It is a great reset and allows for the next 90 Day Plan to be written and worked on.

I found my ‘home’ for this a number of years ago at the Sheraton in Edinburgh. I’ve been booking in the 2nd to 5th where I come to use the spa. It’s where I relax and unwind from a normally chaotic December.
It’s also here where I start to really think.

On day two, it’s when the pens and notepads come out, and I start to write down everything. Then after a morning of writing, it’s back to the spa to unwind and get creative.
I actually started this process on December 11th last year, extending my planning time after a year of meetings, 16 trips to Europe, and various events my events company put on.

I am a massive advocator of being grateful every day. I used this thought process to start writing down things I learned in 2021. I was enjoying what I was writing, I decided after a chat with my Russian friend (Hi Anastasia!) I would write an article…well it had been a while and I was missing the writing.

So, what did I learn?
Disclaimer - Of course, this isn’t everything I learned in the year, in fact, some are things that have benefitted my life for a lot longer, though I really noticed the difference/improvement. It is a snapshot of various circumstances from 2021.

Cycling around Barcelona - December 2021.

Fitness is key.
If you take one thing only from this article, I hope it is sweat and this advice. I am very active overall, however, in recent years I have set some amazing fitness challenges and had fun racking up the miles. What has happened is twofold - Physically I feel great and mentally I have space to think with no distractions. I have also made new friends as an absolute bonus. Gyms might not be for you, so go for a walk. Just start on something small each day and watch your mood improve. Use exercise to relax and think.

It is OK to not be OK.
We all feel down now and again. Positive people are also down every now and again, it’s the harsh reality of life. Don’t feel bad about it, allow yourself time to recover, though make sure you work out how to get back up quickly. Speak to someone close, speak to a stranger, speak to someone. They might even offer you some advice. Keep reading on for a little tip to get the blood flowing and the endorphins ready to make you smile again.

Some bad habits are healthy.
Not that I condone a big drinking session straight away, sometimes a blowout (in moderation) is required!
Alternatively, you might be absolutely smashing the exercise, allow yourself some unhealthy days!
Don’t beat yourself up afterward though - just acknowledge your routine took a few well-deserved days off, then get back to doing what you do best.

Don’t be controlled.
Learn what the signs are. Do you feel lonely? Cut off? Not sure if you are doing the right thing? Feel insecure as you are made to question the things in life you are passionate about? Being put down by ‘throwaway’ comments? Remember in a relationship, it’s a two-way thing. This goes for friends as well as partners. Cut out that negativity. Find people who support you and build you up.

When something feels off, it usually is.
Trust your gut, it is your brain telling you it has picked something up that isn’t right. Why does it not feel right? Start asking yourself questions and work out why? Should you feel like this? Also don’t try and create scenarios, as this leads to anxiety. Find out yourself from inside why it feels off, often it is here where you will find the answers.

Have a perspective to look at conflict from every angle.
People have opinions. I have a friend who says “There are three sides to every story, your version, their version, and the truth.” Whenever conflict appears in your professional or personal life, take a step back and put on the other person’s shoes. Then put yours back on. Then look for a birdseye view and work out the best way to resolve it for all concerned. There will be less of a fight and more likely an agreement to move on in the best possible way.

Learn to walk away.
In the long run, it won’t be as bad as you think it will be. Think is it the situation, work, circumstance, or the person you will miss? Really think hard about what is causing the unrest, if you walk away from it, I guarantee you will feel better for it. Maybe not immediately, though you will know you have made the correct decision.

Focus first on yourself.
This is not a ‘selfish’ thing to do. You do need to be selfish though and look after yourself before anyone else. Think of exercising or training. You overstretch, you pull a muscle - you are out the next game. You need to rest, recover and get back to full fitness before you can get back in. Wellllllll…..take this to your mental health. What if you keep stretching, overdoing it, and taking no time out for yourself? You will crash and you will need to recover and that will take a long time. Write down three personal goals you want to achieve each week, then do them (E.G read 3 chapters of a book. Small steps, though it’s your time!)

Make friends with different cultures.
Get out of your comfort zone and where you know. Learning from other people is an incredible way to live. Go somewhere you have never been before and talk to the locals. What do they do differently? What makes them happy? I learned to become present whilst I was in Asia. I learned about hospitality in Greece and Spain.
I learned about being proud in so many other countries. This mix of personalities and cultures helps shape and strengthen your own values.

Change your surroundings.
I suppose 18 months grounded really helped me take like a duck to water, as I flew out the traps as soon as I could. However, it wasn’t just that, my bike and weekly cycling goals allowed me to get out of a house whilst trying to save an events company, it also allowed me time to properly think. I had zero distractions. When I could travel, I didn’t wait for answers about what the industry would look like, I changed my surroundings and learned from my peers. What are you stuck with? Why are you stuck? Where are you stuck? Make the change.

Know what you want in life and work for it.
I can sum this up in five letters and they are ‘F, O, C, U, & S!’ Make a plan. Start with a vision for what you want in life and work out how to get there. You might have been aimless before, however, it is time to direct the energy in the direction you want it to go. Focus on one thing at a time, do not try and multi-task, you will become more productive overall. A plan will help you work towards it. It could be something like saving a certain amount each month, so you can enjoy that dream trip on your Vision Board. Focus on in, then take action.

Nobody has all the answers.
You don’t either. Find people who do have the answers you are looking for and learn from them. If unsure about something, read about it. Back this up a number of times with different sources. If it is uncertainty over a problem, ask your peers, your friends, and your colleagues. Open up a discussion, share their answers. You will learn fast. Make constant learning a part of your daily routine.

Be Curious
Constantly ask questions. Get over the idea that it is embarrassing to ask something you don’t know. Chances are someone else wants to know the answer too. The best thing about this is, you get to learn.
Be curious about books, podcasts, and life.
That thing you wished you had learned in school? Go and find out now! A whole world of possibilities is now in front of you.

Take inspiration from everything.
I get inspired a lot. I realised this last year. From everywhere in life, I realise I can look at a situation, an object, or a person and learn something. It might be something you don’t want to become, though you have learned. We’ve all had relationships we are glad we are out of, though somewhere along the way we learned more about ourselves. I once swam beside a swimmer and kept getting faster as I used him as an accountability partner without his knowledge. I was bettering my swim for me, he just happened to be there, he inspired me to do more lengths.

When you feel down or unsettled…dance!
Time to get the blood, and your feet moving. put on your favourite song, close your eyes and transport yourself to that holiday, night club or concert and let the hair down! I actually used this technique for big meetings over the last few years. It gets me in a happy state of mind and gives me a lot of energy. It tends to rub off on who I am talking to, even if it is over a screen.
It is also very good for your mood.

Three final entries that I realised about me from 2021.

That I am resilient.
Let’s be honest, the last two years took their toll! I promised myself I would keep going and maintain a positive attitude, I am so glad I did as good things did keep happening. I turned up every single day to protect my dreams. I am grateful for the support many showed towards me in various ventures. Nothing was going to get in the way and I was never going to quit.

I can make friends anywhere.
Just by getting involved in conversations. I used to be shy (quiet at the back!!!) Listen for a way in, and say something that compliments. Smile at people, be open in your body language, share a laugh with them, invite them for a drink or a coffee, or hand them a plate at the lunch table. You never know who you may meet, you may get to travel all over the world with them. I am humbled by the number of new friends I have met all over Europe and online this year.

Después de años de decir que aprendería un nuevo idioma, comencé a tomar el español muy en serio. No puedo esperar a aprender más.

Take time out at the start of each year and set your goals, I encourage you to do this. I also suggest every 90 days that you start a new plan and check progress.

Do not start the year IN your business/work, start the year working on you, your health, and ON your business and goals.

Happy new year to you, here’s to an amazing 2022!

All the best!




I offer 1:1 Coaching to help you pull together your vision, set goals, and make a plan for your life, personally and professionally.


If you want to turn your vision into a reality, get in touch for a free 30 minute chat to find out more about the programme.

This is me (on the left) in Seville rounding off a lovely year of travelling, with my good friend Manuel. An appropriate way to say “Cheers” / “Salud” to you all!

Before you go!

Start your year, your way - here is a FREE Vision Board E-Book.


Podcast feature - The Friel Thing - Mindset and growth through a Pandemic.


‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ (Nomination) - Glasgow Business Awards.