A Vision Board - The single best tool in your Arsenal.
Wanting a change?
Forced to change?
Had enough of the 9-5?
Feeling stuck?
This is how it all starts.
A vision board is a physical representation of what you would like to achieve in your life.
I love locking myself away for a few days at the start of year to re-do the vision board, pull together the SMART goals and plans for the year, and then complete my 90 day action plan.
I also choose a place with a lovely spa to relax in between!
I have found the best method to be one that is split into the following sections:
You and health (centre)
Wealth (top left)
Fame (top centre)
Relationship (top right)
Creativity (right centre)
Travel (bottom right)
Career, path, life (bottom centre)
Knowledge (bottom left)
Family (left centre)
Now that we’re half way through the year, it’s is a great time to look at creating a vision board.
You will require a pen, paper, a clear head and your imagination.
Write down the headings as above and then start filling in each section - what goes on it is entirely up to you so, be big and bold.
Visioning, for me is the single best tool I have in my arsenal, and I used to think it was all bullshit.
I have a very, very particular routine which I’ve crafted to suit me for optimisation and which in turn leads to results.
Collecting information, teaching and mentoring from all sorts of places and people has really helped me grow as a person, and also as a business.
Everything I do is aligned to my vision, I also spend time at the start of each day to vision what that day will look like.
I’m happy to share my routine, learn about yours and find out how to keep increasing these results.
If you would like some help with it, get in touch.