Consistency is Key.

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Consistency is key!

Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting the result to change, is the definition of insanity.

Doing the right thing over and over again, gets you results.

What should you be doing today, that will make the biggest difference to your life and business?

Imagine you want to start losing weight. Say you put a number on it, 2 stone for example. To get there, you will need to start working on getting to that number. To lose weight, the formula is proven, a healthy, balanced and active lifestyle will help. What you eat and what you burn off through exercise, will help regulate weight.
If you continue on same path you were already on, the weight won’t come off. You need to look at change. You need to drop the unhealthy food out of your diet.
This change will lead to results, overall being consistent with new habits, will lead you to your results.


Lets take this approach to your professional life. If you want to learn new skills, you need to learn. This can take place through many different forms. Experience learning, reading and podcasts for example. Possible a regular meeting with a mentor, someone who has already done what you want to to achieve. Though reading one book won’t change everything, reading consistently will.

Create good habits, become the owner of your own diary, be ruthless with you, don’t let work over run you, stop wasting time on things that ultimately don’t produce results.

Work towards your vision, use your goals as markers of progress.
If things don’t align, get rid.
Get consistent with the small things that matter.

These are the most important things.

#consistencyiskey #consistency #whatactuallymatters #goalsetting #vision #habitforming #creategoodhabits #dailyhabits #dailyroutine #timemanagement #nota9to5kindoflifestyle


Reach for the stars - a guide to goal setting.


Get outside and clear your head.