Reach for the stars - a guide to goal setting.
Reach for the stars - a guide to goal setting.
A few years ago, I felt lost, or even unsettled. I wasn’t sure what it was.
I looked into myself and tried to work it out, then realised I had set myself a goal that I had hit.
I started my events business and afforded 3 years of time to prove I could make it work, well I had made it work in that time. The feeling of being lost came from the goal being hit and not setting new ones.
It was time to change and grow. It was time to learn and get out my comfort zone.
I was told to aim for the stars, what did I want my life to look like?
It’s how I discovered visioning.
In the 3 years that have passed since, I have hit through a series of goals as I work towards my vision daily.
Write down your goal, then work out what you can do today, to move towards your goals.
For example - losing weight:
Commit to being healthy.
Losing a set amount of stone.
Exercising 5 times a week.
Eating well.
Meal prepping.
Today - go for a walk.
It’s a slight example, however it shows that going for a walk today could lead to an overall healthy lifestyle.
Try this for your goals also.
Ditch the bad stuff TODAY and make a commitment to yourself to change.
Then take action TODAY.
It’s time to make your goals present.
I heard via Verne Harnish about his trademarked BHAG “Big Hairy Audacious Goal!” A goal so big, that even if you don’t hit it, you will have done well getting close.
Other mentors and people I look up to ask about your biggest goal, then ask you to aim even higher.
I’m finding having set my own BHAG, I don’t lose interest or momentum working towards my own.
Write down your goals.
Is it big enough?
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